Thursday, November 1, 2018

Day 24

I have been assimilated.

OK, the sci-fi geek in me just can't resist indulging in the parallels.  But seriously, this tube running down my neck, bump in my chest, and hole in my neck are making me feel like the unwilling subject of some alien experiment.  I know I will get used to having the port and it will be so great to have and save my veins from many many pokes, but it's kinda grossing me out right now.  Humbly asking for a grace period on adjusting to my new cyborg bling.  I'm sure it took Picard a few days too.

I also got the call from the oncology scheduler today and I start chemo next week!  So exciting and scary all at once. Wednesday I will go in for an EKG, and then Thursday morning the battle begins for reals!  

I hope you all had a lovely evening!  


p.s. Thank you Chad for the Star Trek inspired words of encouragement 🤣

1 comment:

  1. I’m so happy they are getting on this thing so quickly! You will heat this and come out an even more stronger woman than before (who even knew that’s possible right???) 😘
